On 20th May, we got together for the General Assembly, preceded by a playful team building event. Here are the biggest news.
- The Linguistics Olympiad has become a full member after only being an associated member so far. WELCOME!
- Tatiana Samrowski was elected as Board member for the time until the next general assembly. Congratulations!
- The budget 2023/2024 was approved.
- The new Volunteers Website will be titled volunteers.olympiad.ch. Thanks for your votes.
- IChO 2023 is looking for Team Guides (15.-25. July). Register now!
- Registration for the Gender Workshop with Nicole Schäfer is open: Register
Find more information in the Protocol
Thanks Lara Gafner for writing the Protocol. See you soon at the Science Olympiad Day!
Expenses: If you travelled by train, your ticket will be reimbursed. Please send us a receipt for the ticket to d.schmid@olympiad.ch. Thank you!