20 years of Science Olympiad


On June 19, 2004, representatives of the first five Science Olympiads in Switzerland sat down together and founded a shared association. It had been 17 years since the first international participation by a Swiss team. Over time, more members joined the party. Each of the ten Science Olympiads brings its own tastes to the table, turning it into a colourful potluck. In 2024, we celebrate 20 years of shared growth, work, fun, challenges and, last but not least, shared (brain) food. 

SAVE THE DATE: 14. 09. 2024

Let's party! In September, volunteers, participants, partners and other friends of the Science Olympiads will get together at Bierhübeli in Bern to celebrate 20 years of Science Olympiad. The anniversary celebration also functions as this year's Science Olympiads Day.


14:15 Optional afternoon program for volunteers and participants (see below)

17:30 Welcome and appetizer 

18:15 Award ceremony 

19:00 Buffet dinner under the motto: "Potluck for your brain"




Generative AI, Implications for Privacy and Society

This workshop is divided in two parts: Understanding Data and AI in Education and Sociopolitical and technical challenges of AI. In the first part, the goals are to learn main Data Collection Mechanisms for AI, to explore the potential and risk of data for education, civil rights and personal data protection and to discuss student data reuse and implications for teachers and institutions. In the last part, the aim is to discuss the challenges of AI, including biases, ethical considerations and algorithmic fairness through practical exercises. This workshop is funded by the Hasler Foundation. 


Time: 14:15-17:15

Place: Unitobler, room F-121, Lerchenweg 36, 3012 Bern

Language: English (the speakers know French)

Speakers: Dr. Jessica Pidoux and two experts, from Personaldata.io.

Requirements: Bring your personal computer and recover a dataset 10 days before the workshop (a tutorial will be sent). If you cannot bring a computer, please let us know in advance, so to provide you one.

Escape Room: The Holy Grail

Your colleague Prof. Croft has not given any sign of life for weeks. She was on the quest of the Holy Grail, the legendary vessel that gives eternal life to anyone who drinks from it. Prof. Jones has asked you, the most experienced archeologists and adventurers of your time, to find out what happened to her, to discover with her the Holy Grail and to bring it to the museum. She detains the instructions that will lead you to the vessel. Be careful! The Holy Grail is probably hidden among other receptables, that will provide you the opposite of eternal youth and happiness.


Time: 14:30-16:00 and 16:30-18:00. The game lasts maximum 1 hour, the additional time is for the introduction and a break (if needed).

Place: Adventure Rooms, Maulbeerstrasse 10, 3011 Bern

Language: The introduction is available in German, English and maybe French

Requirements: None. Difficulty medium-hard.

Escape Room: Speakeasy

Bern, 1929. Europe is on the brink of great change and the mood is tense. In the underground of a mondaine city hotel, a illustrious clandestine bar is hidden. Only a select circle of the beautiful and powerful have access to this exclusive bar - you and your friends are invited. But beware! The bar and its secrets are in danger: the jolly parties and ilegal activites of the "Speakeasy" society are a thorn in the side of the police. Can you manage to enter the bar and uncover the secret of the Green Fairy before the police arrives?


Time: 14:30-16:00 and 16:30-18:00. The game lasts maximum 1 hour, the additional time is for the introduction and a break (if needed).

Place: NOVOTEL Bern Expo, Guisanplatz 2, 3014 Bern

Language: The introduction is available in German, English and maybe French

Requirements: None. Difficulty medium-hard.

Escape Room: Tschernobyl

Unfortunately, some of the operators at our nuclear power plant were unavailable at short notice. Luckily, as recognized experts, you were available to take over at short notice. All you must do now is complete the self-training and the corresponding test. After that, everything should be clear so that you can successfully keep the reactor stable. Otherwise, you know what could happen...


Time: 14:30-16:00 and 16:30-18:00. The game lasts maximum 1 hour, the additional time is for the introduction and a break (if needed).

Place: Adventure Rooms, Maulbeerstrasse 10, 3011 Bern

Language: The introduction is available in German, English and maybe French

Requirements: None. Difficulty medium-hard.

Zytglogge Guided Tour

Learn about the history of this Bernese monument. You will examine the gears and the apparatus of the old clock, watch the figurines closely and learn interesting facts about the history. You will also look at the astronomical calendar clock, the Astrolabium, and discover how it works, with its turning discs and skillfully crafted celestial bodies. The tour ends with a wonderful view of Bern and the peaks of the Bernese Oberland.


Time: 16:15

Place: Bim Zytglogge 3, 3011 Bern

Language: Depends on the majority participants during each timeslot (German, French, Italian, English, etc.).

Requirements: None. 


Souvenirs: Cora, Biologie-Olympiade

Zur Feier des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Wissenschafts-Olympiade zeigen Volunteers ihre liebsten Souvenirs. Im letzten Teil schwelgen wir mit Cora in Erinnerungen an die Internationale Biologie-Olympiade 2010 in Südkorea - und nehmen uns ihre Rat für angehende Forschende zu Herzen.



Souvenirs: Nicolà, Physik-Olympiade


Zur Feier des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Wissenschafts-Olympiade zeigen Volunteers ihre liebsten Souvenirs. Im vierten Teil treffen wir Nicolà. Sein Volleyball erinnert ihn an die Internationale Physik-Olympiade 2022, die er mitorganisiert hat.


Souvenirs: Joelle, Geographie-Olympiade

Zur Feier des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Wissenschafts-Olympiade zeigen Volunteers ihre liebsten Souvenirs. Im dritten Teil treffen wir Joelle. Sie hat eine Landkarte, die eindrücklich zeigt, wie intensiv sich manche Teilnehmende auf die Internationale Geographie-Olympiade vorbereiten.


Souvenirs: Maurice, Olympiades de chimie

Pour célébrer le 20ème anniversaire des Olympiades de la science, des bénévoles présentent leurs objets préférés. Dans la deuxième partie, Maurice, l'organisateur de la première délégation suisse à une Olympiade internationale de la science, nous montre une écharpe très spéciale.


Souvenirs: Priska, Informatik-Olympiade

Zur Feier des 20-jährigen Jubiläums der Wissenschafts-Olympiade zeigen Volunteers ihre liebsten Souvenirs. Im ersten Teil erklärt Priska, warum Informatikerinnen und Informatiker manchmal mit Quietscheentchen sprechen und wer "Duck Vader" ist.


Die Jubiläumsausgabe des WOLY

Hier gibt’s Häppchen aus der Geschichte der Wissenschafts-Olympiaden und andere Zeitreisen, zum Beispiel durch die Entwicklung des Gehirns und die Erinnerungen unserer Volunteers. Wir blicken aber nicht nur zurück, sondern feiern auch die Erfolge der Gegenwart - und sind gespannt auf die Zukunft.


Wanted: Your Olympiad Object

Do you have a souvenir from a Science Olympiad with a unique or interesting story? Show it to us at the mini-exhibition during the anniversary celebration on September 14 in Bern.


L’identité à travers le temps

L'association des Olympiades de la science existe depuis 20 ans. Nous sommes parfaitement conscient·e·s que tout est différent et pourtant nous n’avons rien vu du temps passé. Dans son essai, Mathys Douma, ancien participant et bénévole des Olympiades de mathématiques et de philosophie, explique qu’implique cette cécité au changement d’un point de vue philosophique.


How old is the universe?

We know exactly how old the Science Olympiad umbrella association is: this year, it’s turning 20! An anniversary worth celebrating. But when is the universe’s anniversary? And how many candles should we put on space’s birthday cake? In this article, Physics Olympiad volunteer Yuta explains in five steps why approximately 13.772 billion candles should do.


Forschen wie vor 20 Jahren

Vor 20 Jahren wurde der Verband Wissenschafts-Olympiade gegründet – aber das ist natürlich nicht das Einzige, was sich in der Welt der Wissenschaft damals getan hat. Woran wurde 2003/2004 in den zehn Olympiaden-Fächern geforscht, was wurde entdeckt und welche Themen wurden in der Öffentlichkeit heiss diskutiert?


Comment connaître l'âge des roches?

La faîtière des Olympiades des sciences fête ses 20 ans cette année. Nous savon cela per exemple parce que nous disposons du protocol de la réunion de fondation. Mais comment les géologues connaissent-ils l'âge des roches ? De l’âge relatif à l’âge numérique: retraçons le fil des découvertes dans ce domaine passionnant de la géologie.


Happy Birthday, Brain!

Der Dachverband der Schweizer Wissenschafts-Olympiaden feiert sein 20-jähriges Jubiläum. Nichts liegt also näher, als an diesem 20. Geburtstag der Olympiaden einmal die Entwicklung des menschlichen Gehirns unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Wie bildet es sich? Wie sieht es aus, wenn wir 20 Jahre alt sind?



Potluck for your brain

Die Wissenschafts-Olympiade gleicht einem Potluck, einer Mitbringparty: Jeder Verein trägt etwas zu einem bunten Buffet fürs Gehirn bei, dessen diverse Delikatessen von wissenshungrigen Jugendlichen aus der ganzen Schweiz degustiert werden können. Dieses Jahr ist es 20 Jahre her, dass sich die ersten fünf Vereine an einen Tisch gesetzt haben, um den Dachverband zu gründen.



Let's timetravel through the last 20 years of Swiss Science Olympiads - and beyond! From January to September 2024, we'll be posting a picture from the archives on Instagram every Thursday. You'll see old memories, retro fashion, ancient technology, your leaders when they were your age, long forgotten inside jokes. Do you have a favourite photo from a Science Olympiad you would like to see in this series? Send it via Instagram direct message, email or post it yourself under the hashtag #myolypic!



Charlotte Vidal

Olympiad coordinator


Telefon: +41 31 684 50 85



Debora Hirschi

Olympiad administrator


Telefon: +41 31 684 51 60


Lara Gafner

Marketing and communication


Telefon: +41 31 684 35 26