
Schweizer Teams erfolgreich an Europäischem Robotik-Wettbewerb

10 Schweizer Teams qualifizierten sich für das Open Championship der World Robot Olympiad (WRO) in Brescia in Italien; zwei von ihnen standen am Schluss auf dem Podest.


Deep dives at Lake Lugano

Thanks to the partnership between Science Olympiad and the Swiss Study Foundation, our alumni get to apply for its inspiring summer academies. Read why Ruhi and Alex would recommend this experience to other Science Olympiad alumni.


Behind the scenes of the Philosophy Olympiad

Are you a philosophy student, teacher or former participant? Are you thinking about getting involved in the Philosophy Olympiad or are you looking for a network of young philosophers? Are you a volunteer at another Olympiad and interested in what it's like here? Then join us for SPO day!


Vorstandssitzung: Astronomie-Olympiade, Jahresabschluss und Chancengerechtigkeit

Am 19.09.2024 trafen sich Freiwillige von allen 10 Olympiaden zur Verbands-Vorstandssitzung an der ETH Zürich. Diskutiert wurde insbesondere der Mitgliedsantrag der jüngsten Wissenschafts-Olympiade in der Schweiz: der Astronomie-Olympiade.


Register for the Informatics Olympiad workshops

Learn everything you need to know for the qualification round!


This was the Women's Weekend

From September 6 - 8, the Physics Olympiad organized a weekend for interested female students. The program: solving challenges, experimenting, visiting a laboratory and, of course, having lots of fun.